Lit Series: In November of 2012, I was commissioned, along with writers Sherman Alexie and Kevin Sampsell, to write new work on the theme "While You Were Sleeping." This is that work.
Filmed at Richard Hugo House by Samudre Media ( and
Rosemont College: A short excerpt from Confessions of a Latter-day Virgin, during my 2013 book tour.
Back Fence PDX: Live Storytelling Since 2008. Until asked to perform a story live, without notes, on the theme "Losing My Religion," this was a story I'd only told my closest friends. (Don't watch this one if you're my dad.)
Back Fence PDX is a live storytelling series in Portland, OR. Filmed live at the Mission Theater. September 28, 2013 Theme: Losing My Religion For more information on our live show, visit Check out our podcast on, also available on Stitcher and iTunes.
Hear an Excerpt of Nicole's Memoir, via Soundcloud